The presence of a desire for anything is an indication that inherent in that person is the capacity to achieve or have whatever it is that one desires. It is in defining what we want and then staying focused on that desire that the rubber meets the road.  Our minds are so accustomed to changing all the time. Observe your thought when you go into a restaurant and are presented with a menu. Did you notice that it is not so easy to choose what you want to eat?

     If you have always wanted to be an investor, then read on.

      The greatest investor of our time varies with whom you speak with. For some, it is George Soros, for others, it is Donald Trump, still for others it is Warren Buffet.  Warren Buffet is the most beloved of all, and people pay lots of money to have lunch with him. He is endearing because of his simplicity, his humility and above all else, straightfowardness. He did not invent anything. He simply studied the stock market and used his knowledge to pick and choose. This approach towards investing in real estate is also the best way to do it. No hurry. Study, study, study and then choose, then buy, then protect your investment.

     One can look at real estate investing in a way similar to that of a commodity. We will always need a roof over our heads and food on the table and some money for our other necessities. Depending on the lifestyle that you are accustomed to, the definition of necessity varies.

       Investing is only a part of our life when our necessities have been met. It is, however, possible to change what is necessary in our lives in order to set aside something for investment purposes. It is also helpful to have a guide that can help you in order to save you years of study.

     Someone who has  experience  can save you countless hours of studying and can also help you determine your long term financial goals and work toward it.

     When is a good time to invest? Anytime is a good time to invest.  First of all, you are investing the money that you would otherwise spend. 

     I love the stories of Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. While others question the authenticity of the stories that he wrote, he is still a great story teller and can serve as an inspiration to lots of people.

     If you are interested in learning more about investing in real estate, please give me a call or e-mail me. I will be happy to answer any of your questions.

     email me at or leave me a voicemail at 337 267 4030.